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For Alpine Automatic Parking Brake Bypass Override Video in Motion Wire Switcher
Fit to Most of all Aftermarket Alpine Video and Navigation units, like Alpine iLX-W650, ILX-007, ILX-107, ILX-207, Halo iLX-F309, INE-W960HDMI
Fit most alpine stereo: IXA-W404 INA-W900 INE-S920HD INES920HD iLX-007 X108U IXA-W407 IVA-W205 X009-FD1 X009-FD2 X009-TND INA-W900BT INA-W910 INE-W957HD IVA-W200 IVA-D310 IXA-W409 X009U IVA-D105 IVA-D205 IVA-D106R X009-GM IVA-W505 IVA-D106 X009-WRA X109-WRA IVE-W535HD IVEW535HD IVE-W530 INE-W967HD
Installation is straight-forward. There are three wires - black goes to your head unit ground, blue goes to your head unit blue/white (remote power), and green go to yellow/black wire (Foot Brake+). Yellow to yellow/blue wire (Parking Brake(-)). Solder connections and heat shrink tubing for best results
Maybe you have no intention of watching videos while driving but will also locked out of basic menu features without it. This was super easy to install and worked flawlessly on Alpine. Just 4 wires to connect to the back of the head unit, with matching colors and easy to follow instructions
Does not require you to cycle the Ignition on and off, And Is fully automatic. But the best is don?t play it when you are driving